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Clacton & District Table Tennis League AGM
It was with great pleasure that I was able to engrave a special award for Clacton & District Table Tennis League ready for their AGM and Annual Awards Presentation.
The Bob Phillips Trophy for services to the League was presented to Martin Edwards, the League Coaching Officer who has run come and try sessions and coached many successful junior players over the years. What made it me particularly special for me was that Martin coached me as a child back in the 80’s.
Here is pictures of the award on it’s presentation box. For the full report and pictures of all the trophy winners, visit the league page at:
Essex Uni vs UEA Derby Day
These three trophies were made up in my workshop for the Essex University Students Union Judo Club for their Derby Day match with the University of East Anglia.
Rather than choosing from a catalogue, I designed and made the Trophies for the Best Male, Best Female and best Throw to meet with their budget.
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